Saturday, November 7, 2009

Most of you guys may already know about these links. But if not, they are way cool.

I've only dealt with the top and bottom company. Style J is excellent; you get your skirt shipped usually within 4 days. Yeah, the skirts are pricier. But they have a great selection of no slit items. And if you factor in the fact that you'll probably be wearing them for years, it ends up being not so bad.
I've only purchased one skirt from the bottom place, and I like it. The only thing is that it seems to be a mom andpop-type business run out of an abandoned phone booth. So if you order something, don't get too excited. Instead of listing on the website that it's not available, you get an email later on saying it's not in stock. And then you go cry and eat Hagendaaz.


  1. I have a tip for you. A lot of shirts anymore require a tank top underneath to be modest, but try finding a tank that doesn't show too much of your chest! A lot of tanks are higher in the back than the front, so if you wear them backwards, they will have a higher neckline. A lot of tanks are tagless too, so no one is the wiser, and some tags don't show anyways.

  2. Girlfriend, I love it! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Thanks for the links... Love it!! Keep on going girl!!

  4. Hee, hee - I too wear the tank tops backwards. It goes against my nature to wear something backwards so I always have a mental lecture when putting them on letting myself know that it is okay - no one will know. Guess everyone knows now.
