Thursday, November 12, 2009

You Too Can Alter a Sweater-Even if You Have the Sewing Skills of a One Armed Lumberjack

Because the styles of the world tend to run towards snug, part of dressing modestly involves altering, altering, and more altering. I was at Saver's the other day, and found this adorable sweater vest that even has argyle on both sides. And I have been very much hankering for an adorable sweater something that even has argyle on both sides. Or something like that.

Anyway, I was very excited, because it looked like it would be loose. And it was. Unfortunately, because it is meant to be snug, it was loose because it was in size gargantuan. There is enough of a hem to swaddle several baby koalas, and maybe store a bushel of oranges. Or something like that.

I decided that instead of dejectedly shoving it back on the rack like I normally do, I would take it home and see if I couldn't alter this bad boy. It was only four bucks, and to me well worth it, as I could learn what to do, or not to do. Worst case scenario would be that it wouldn't work. Or something like that. tee hee...

Here's what ya need:

fabric glue
needle and thread (optional)

It's pretty simple, really. I trimmed the hem, then I folded up what I wanted to hem. Following the instructions, applied glue to the sweater.  I was going to double fold it, but it made the hem look wonky on the outside. As Frankenstein once said "Normal hem goooood. Wonky hem baaaaaaaad."

I used some handy dandy candles from my fall centerpiece to weight it down while it dried.

Don't they look like little potpourri marines bravely guarding the hem from emminent destruction?

I let it dry and then hand stiched some parts. Obviously, something like this wouldn't work on a sweater that needed a more complex alteration. This was pretty simple. My point in posting is to show that with a little creativity, one can play with options and not have to take everything at face value.

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